Focal Sopra No2 Loudspeakers Review

October 19, 2015 Comments Off on Focal Sopra No2 Loudspeakers Review

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The somewhat more vibrant sound quality of Morrison’s most recent release, Duets: Re-working the Catalogue (16/44.1 FLAC, RCA), didn’t need the Sopra No2’s assistance to sound alive. In fact, “Some Peace of Mind,” with Bobby Womack, and a few other tracks are a tad bright, which I thought might give the No2’s tweeter some trouble — already, I could tell that the speaker’s very top end was a touch hot, a voicing characteristic of other Focal speakers I’ve heard. These days, my reference for neutrality is KEF’s Reference 1 ($7499/pair), and the No2 was a bit more lively in the extreme highs. Yet despite being tipped up, the No2’s top end sounded as clean and clear as the best metal-dome tweeters I’ve heard, which could be why I didn’t find its prominent highs as bothersome as speakers whose raised highs make them sound bright, even edgy.



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