Final Audio Sonorous REVIEW

March 17, 2016 Comments Off on Final Audio Sonorous REVIEW


” What’s more, the ear-cushion-driver-cup assemblies become your very private dual-mono listening rooms. If the cushions leak, it’s like opening French doors right behind your speakers. The bass could disappear. If internal reflections aren’t controlled or managed, a sealed headphone could sound like a nearly empty hard room. Think lots of glass, tile floors and no absorptive materials like curtains, carpets, pillows and overstuffed furnishings. You’d expect a very bright sound. It’s only at first glance then that the notion of headphone ear pads being sonically critical seems silly or perverse. Once you realize how they’re an intrinsic part of your temporary double ‘rooms’ to help define their composite shape, volume and relative lossiness or absorptive index of the walls, it all makes perfect sense. Without getting nerdy, we’ll thus say that the little pillion holes act as air-pressure-relief micro vents. Aside from manipulating the mix of their composite casing between polycarbonate and glass in a precise ratio, then cushion foam of just the right compliance, density and shape for their driver loading, Final use the small holes as final tuning features.”


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