Schitt Gungnir Multibit DAC & Mjolnir 2 Hybrid-Tube Headphone Amp $1249 Review

April 9, 2016 Comments Off on Schitt Gungnir Multibit DAC & Mjolnir 2 Hybrid-Tube Headphone Amp $1249 Review

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” Now for the most important part, the sound. Starting off with the Gungnir Multibit (Gumby), the tonality is quite remarkable. Sounds seem to arise from a broad expanse with spatial cues being projected both wide and deep. Imaging is top-notch but the slightly warm tone that this DAC imparts along with its lack of forthright transients places it slightly behind the much more expensive Schiit Yggdrasil and PS Audio Perfectwave II models in overall separation and resolution. This is a real testament to the Gungnir Multibit as it essentially able to compete with heavyweights many times its own price bracket. The Gumby is able to sound warm, full and smooth while at the same time being highly resolving. A truly great hallmark of any set-up, this talent makes the Gumby a go-to option even in the face of technical beasts because of its organic and liquid-esque quality. It would not be a far off statement then, to liken these to a vinyl system due to its inherent signature and lack of glare. ”



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