Bowers & Wilkins 802 D3 Diamond loudspeaker $22,000/pair – Review

June 4, 2016 Comments Off on Bowers & Wilkins 802 D3 Diamond loudspeaker $22,000/pair – Review

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“Was the 802 D3 faultless? Yes and no. I heard no problems with it in my room and system. Its tonal balance was somewhat lighter than many, including the 802 D3’s 800-series predecessors, because the bass was entirely devoid of bloat or emphasis or resonance. Despite this, there was no lack of authority when that was called for, and the speaker’s reproduction of deep bass was formidable. However, some listeners may find fault with that new balance because it might not suit the sound of their system and room, or their taste. Further, the 802 D3 easily revealed differences among other components. Of the amps I had on hand, I liked Theta’s Dreadnaught D—it seemed most consistent with the D3’s balance of clarity and power. Parasound’s Halo A31 three-channel amp leaned a bit toward the clarity, McIntosh’s MC-303 leaned toward the power.”


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