Bryston Middle T Active Loudspeaker System $8685Review

December 8, 2018 Comments Off on Bryston Middle T Active Loudspeaker System $8685Review

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“The soundstage of “Thunderstruck,” from AC/DC’s The Razor’s Edge (16/44.1 FLAC, Sony/Tidal), shrank a bit in width and depth through the MLs, but the outlines of Brian Young’s abrasive, forceful voice were a bit more sharp. Both speakers were incredibly dynamic, but I give the slight edge to the MLs driven by the 1000Wpc Anthem monoblocks. It might have been a different outcome had the Bryston system included some of their more powerful amplifiers, but that would have substantially increased the system’s cost. The MLs’ bass was plenty deep and powerful, but the Brystons, with their woofers directly coupled to dedicated amplification of 300Wpc, simply hit harder and faster. When Angus Young’s frenetic guitar intro was joined by Chris Slade’s drums, the Brystons absolutely rocked it out with a punchier sound that better kept pace with the lightning-fast guitars — totally air-guitar inspiring. The highs of the Bryston system were exceedingly clear and detailed, but didn’t quite sparkle like those of the very best speakers — for example, the Paradigm Persona B ($7000/pair). Nor was the midrange as shockingly clear through the Brystons as through the Personas, though it was still arrestingly transparent. But the bookshelf Personas couldn’t touch the floorstanding Brystons in the bass, where the Middle Ts were nearly full range — in that area they not only bettered the Personas’ bass, they were as fast and dynamic as anything I’ve heard at anywhere near their price.”


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