Campfire Audio Cascade Cloth Pads Review

December 8, 2018 Comments Off on Campfire Audio Cascade Cloth Pads Review

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“Bass is most changed and strikes as sounding more even with more defined notes. It is less present overall, a prime contributor towards the cloth pad’s more balanced sound in general. Sub-bass extension is reduced a touch, lacking the visceral slam of the better sealing leather pads. Most notably, the pads attenuate the headphone’s notable mid-bass hump. As mid-bass no longer holds as much focus, the headphones sound appreciably more linear, coherent and less bloated. Control actually comes across as slightly reduced with slightly longer decay and hazier edged transients. Still, bass speed remains admirable and reduction in note focus is counteracted by reduced mid-bass presence that provides a cleaner tone and greater separation and definition regardless.”

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