Technics SL-1000R Turntable $18,999 Review

July 9, 2020 Comments Off on Technics SL-1000R Turntable $18,999 Review

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“If there was one trait that was abundantly clear from extended listening, it was that the almost supernatural speed stability allowed complicated passages to resound in full glory without any of the attendant muddiness or blurriness that can sometimes plague vinyl playback. It is here, in many senses, that digital has over the years ruled the roost, but the newer generation of ’tables and cartridges has largely effaced this divide. Consider an album that I’ve come to listen to more frequently, a recording by the Concertgebouw Orchestra of Tchaikovsky’s Symphony No. 3. I must confess that I am not really a Tchaikovsky man, or at least not overly enamored of his later symphonies. But the earlier ones are less bathetic, and the Philips recording of Bernard Haitink conducting the Concertgebouw is really quite exceptional. The Technics could disentangle the more bombastic passages with ease; particularly impressive was the fidelity of the woodwinds and doublebasses. The ’table had no difficulty at all setting up an immense soundstage, conveying an impressively natural sense of the original acoustic in which the symphony was recorded.”

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