Thorens TD 1500 Turntable with Ortofon 2M Bronze Cartridge $2999 Review

April 5, 2023 Comments Off on Thorens TD 1500 Turntable with Ortofon 2M Bronze Cartridge $2999 Review

. Like much of her catalog, it’s well produced, boasting spacious soundscapes and grandiose sonics; characteristics that were ably communicated by the Thorens. What the opening track, “Hunter,” lacks in the ink-black backgrounds of my copy of the album on CD, the LP makes up for in the richness of the cello and sheer voluminosity of the thumping electronic bass. One critique I’ve encountered of early suspended-subchassis turntables is that they tend to have a woollier grasp of low frequencies. While I’m not going to suggest my vinyl copy of Homogenic matched the vise-like grip in the bass conveyed by the same track on CD, the bass was still solid and clear. Loose or poorly defined bass was never an issue. Like my own Thorens, the TD 1500 strikes a good balance between conjuring up plenty of detail while still maintaining the warmth that suspended-subchassis turntables are known for. Once again, this could be attributed to how quiet the TD 1500 was in my system.

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