December 20, 2023 Comments Off on CAMPFIRE AUDIO BONNEVILLE $1,399 REVIEW

The outer purple-coloured cardboard box is unique to Campfire, which has lots of easter-eggs and an awful lot of information. You don’t get any paperwork for instructions or information. The cardboard box has all the information you need, printed everywhere you look. It’s certainly a distinct feature of Campfire’s packaging, and I’ve never seen it with any other brand.

Inside you get a breezy bag which stores the IEM, and the IEMs are inside the pocket bags individually. You get your ear tips in a paper bag, and there’s a cleaning cloth and tool to make sure your IEMs are in a pristine state at all times. Overall, the packaging is very lean but very effective. The essential packaging was my choice for shipping reasons, so I can’t complain here.

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