Pearl Jam’s Dark Matter In TrueHD Dolby Atmos

May 17, 2024 Comments Off on Pearl Jam’s Dark Matter In TrueHD Dolby Atmos

In 1991 I went from an eighth grader listening to misogynistic Motley Crue to a high school freshman awakened by Pearl Jam’s debut album Ten and the band’s activism. Pearl Jam changed my life, and I can’t imagine it going any other way. I would happily take PJ’s music on a mono AM radio, like the one on which my dad listened to WCCO 830 in the bathroom every morning, rather than any other band’s music on the world’s highest resolution stereo. It’s about the music, the message, and the emotion. Sure, we hear music with our ears, but some music we feel in our hearts.

Like the rare solar eclipse, once in a great while we experience the perfect sonic storm, in the best way imaginable. A sublime storm that mixes our favorite music with incredible sound quality, to be played on an audio system built for just this purpose. On April 19th Pearl Jam released Dark Matter on Blu-ray Disc, among many other formats and variants, containing a high resolution TrueHD Dolby Atmos immersive mix. This is an absolute game changer

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