Mark Levinson No.585 Integrated Amplifier Review

October 30, 2015 Comments Off on Mark Levinson No.585 Integrated Amplifier Review


” Yet, so far, I am only talking about the highs. The mids are just as smooth as the highs, with same level of cohesiveness, especially when it comes to vocal texture or the brassy harmonic overtones of a trumpet or saxophone. So detailed the mid range can be, that is a trumpet or saxophone musical piece, the essence of the performance, such as the air moving from chest to lips, to blow piece, the texture of tongue & bite vs the swosshing air quality escaping out of the exhaust, finger action followed by the resonating brass body and finally air exiting the horn mouth in an almost smoky room! All this happening at once in an imaging of realistic perfomance. The bass dives just as low and kicks just as hard as my regular bi-amped, bi-wired system. I’ve lost nothing in the bass slam department. My basslines are still as tight and as well strung as before. The PMC’s 10 inch “Volt” pistonic woofers are just as well controlled as a well trained German Sherpard guard dog. I am in total shock and awe, as the the total top to toe coherence in musical presentation of the music, regardless of genre played.”



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