Monarchy Audio SM-70 Pro Amplifiers Review

July 9, 2020 Comments Off on Monarchy Audio SM-70 Pro Amplifiers Review

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“Their naturalness of tone extended to the brass and woodwind sections of an orchestra as well. Brass instruments had bite and dynamics, but never lost correct timbre. Woodwinds displayed a natural texture, but were clean and airy. I did hear a slight thinness in the upper mids through lower treble through my ProAcs, but I put the blame on the speakers. When I switched to the Soliloquy 6.3s I heard no such thing. In fact, the pairing of the Soliloquy 6.3s—or the stand-mounted 5.0s—with the Monarchy amps made for a very synergistic match. Compared to the big Clayton mono blocks, the Monarchys do sound a smidgen thin, but as I said in my review of the Claytons, look at the price difference. While we are on the subject of matching components, a pairing that I would advise against (at least in my system) is the Monarchy amps and the Nordost Blue Heaven interconnects. This was especially true with the ProAc speakers. The sound was slightly thin and too bright for my tastes. An all-JPS set of cabling proved to be a great match in my system.”

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