April 28, 2024 Comments Off on Bluesound POWERNODE EDGE $649 REVIEW

In my office reference system driving the 91-dB / 4 ohm Care Orchestra Deep Breath Evo monitors the Powernode delivered what I can call a full performance. I heard surprisingly tuneful bass from these power-hungry boxes. Articulate and substantial midrange as well. Treble information was detailed and important for any budget audio component, it was free from uncomfortable grain and harshness. My AmazonHD stream of Leonard Bernstein’s 1987 live recording of Mahler Symphony No. 5 with the Vienna Philharmonic (Deutsche Grammophon) started with a convincing trumpet fanfare to open the famous funeral march. The rich tone drew me into the narrative and the decent spatial separation of orchestra sections helped paint a full picture of the performance.

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